Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Confession: Identity Crisis

Maybe you've noticed I have several things going on. Let's count, shall we?








  • and a HOST of others in the recesses of my mind!

So, what should I do?

Can I really be all of those? Probably, but I think it would be very difficult to grow...and I think I'm ready to grow. So do I have to give something up? How do I make the transition from "hobby business" to real business? I have no idea. Do you?


I just wrote a lovely post and I wasn't logged in.


Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

LEMONBERRY Goat's Milk Soap

Finally, the snow is melting here! I can't wait to see my grass again!

Last night I made LEMONBERRY Goat's Milk Soap...may I say - it is OUTSTANDING!?
Funny, though, before slicing, the loaf looks like a pan of macaroni & cheese!

I'm very excited to announce NEW BODY BUTTERS for!! Well, actually they are not on the site yet, but are in my Etsy I might even make some LEMONBERRY BODY BUTTER if anyone makes that request, oooohh YUMMEEEEE!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

be brave. say "merry christmas".

I just read the "stupidest" thing on a website...

"order by Dec 19th for holiday delivery".

What holiday?

Do you think they were referring to that holiday next Thursday called CHRISTMAS!??!?

Get a life, people. It's Christmas.

Be brave. Say "Merry Christmas".

Friday, November 7, 2008

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Saturday, October 11, 2008

New Soy Wax for SparklePuss

We went to the pumpkin patch kids loved it! What a gorgeous day we had with extreme sunshine and a gentle autumn nip in the air!!

Which of course leads me to the discussion of soy wax. haha! Actually as I twined through the corn maze I was grinding away on this problem of soy wax. Do I just hang it up and forget it? Or do I rise to the occasion and figure this out?

I've decided.

Which is no small thing for me.

I am going to rise. YAY!

It is a daunting task to start over with a different wax. But I have a few ideas to help me work through this methodically and accurately. Since I get so many requests for scented and unscented tealights, I'm GOING TO FIND a way to offer these to my customers. NOW is the perfect time to figure it out.

I'm not sure when the new wax will debut...stay tuned!

So...ONWARD with this new exciting development. :)

Friday, October 10, 2008

SparklePuss and Soy Wax

I'm very concerned.

My local distributor no longer carries my soy wax. I've known this for about two months. The price per case has increased significantly. At the moment, I only have 1 1/2 cases with no prospect of where to get more.

That leaves me with the prospect of switching soy waxes. That means more means nearly starting all over.

I'm not sure if I'm really up for that.

Stay tuned.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Lemon Lollipop Product Update

Well, I'm a student again.

Not THAT kind of student. I've enrolled in HBU. The Handmade Beauty University. My new favorite person is Donna Maria of Indie Beauty. She like, knows EVERYTHING! I'm getting SO much out of the online classes!

Why do I tell you this? These classes have inspired me to RIGHT a few WRONGS in my endeavors. Now right and wrong are strong words...but I'm going back and solidifying my product lines.

SparklePuss Soy Candles is in a GREAT place...nine scents, four products in candles and wickless and a couple accessories. Need to redesign/market my gift certificates. is in a GREAT place...30 scents, 5 products. I LOVE selling these perfume oils...the quality is OUTSTANDING (can I say that? Well maybe this is a good spot for a customer testimonial..."I absolutely love this perfume oil!! Excellent quality, long lasting and smells wonderful!! -AT from PA

ok, where was I?

Seattle Scents. Which brings me to

Ah. I LOVE this line. I launched it within about a day of inception. I love the label COLORS and after changing two scents today, I love the entire LINE!

So, the two new scents:
Spicy Siren (replaces In the Kitchen)
Garden Gal (replacing In the Garden)

10 Fragrances.
5 Product lines include:
Roll-On Perfume Oil
Spray-On Body Mist
Solid Perfume Sticks™
Dab-On Perfume Oil
Shea Glycerin Soap
(researching a whipped body cleanser & sugar/salt scrub)

So once I get my website updated and my Etsy shop updated for Lemon Lollipop, you'll have to come take a LOOK!

Thank you to everyone who TALKS about my stuff! Word of mouth endorsement is MOST appreciated! I wouldn't be here without you! :)

Thursday, September 18, 2008


I just got an email from a fellow candlemaker I met online, Lois.

She actually reads my blog!

That's a little scary. I mean, I really don't ever think anyone is going to bother with what I might write!! I guess I need to step it up! (Thanks for reading, Lois!!!)

I have all these "great" ideas...but I realize that I feel BOGGED DOWN. I want to offer a gift-with-purchase, yet I'm lucky just to include one free sample vial of perfume oil in orders. I want to offer a $5 deal every month, but I haven't had much interest from my mailing list subscribers, so I feel bogged down with updating the website every month. I also want to offer a drawing for my customers, but when I email the person who won, I get no response.

Point being, I want to do away with things that BOG ME DOWN.

I think another executive meeting is in order.

I'll keep you posted.

BY THE WAY...I've been pouring SparklePuss Soy Candles and just want you to know...the "space needle SPICY PUMPKIN BREAD" is REALLY REALLY GOOD!! If you like pumpkin scents, please try this one! There's something special about it!

OPPOSE the FDA Globalization Act of 2008

Being a seller of handmade perfume, I've been meaning to blog about the FDA Globalization Act of 2008.

Anyone in the industry selling food, soaps, perfume or cosmetics needs to get involved to stop this legislation!

Please read the following.

Many thanks to Mike & Tammy Tivis of as she gave me permission to copy her entire newsletter! What a time saver!
The FDA Globalization Act can PUT YOU OUT OF BUSINESS!

Have you heard of the FDA Globalization Act of 2008? If you haven't, you need to know that the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce released a proposal that will significantly impact businesses that sell cosmetics.

A few of the major provisions:
1) $2000 annual FDA registration fee
2) Fees for reregistration, inspections & reinspections, certification, certifying agent accreditation, laboratory accreditation, export certification, and importer registration.
3) Cumbersome paperwork
4) Substantial fines for those that do not comply

Who wins??? $600 million is predicted to be generated from the food registration fees alone.

Who loses??? You, your customers & the suppliers that support your business.

We urge you to sign the petition on Donna Maria's site Indie Beauty Network Business Blog. ( ). Debbie May from WSP is heading to DC @ on Sept 24 to meet w/lawmakers. Please take a moment to also answer her short survey so she is armed w/as much info as possible: WSP Survey to stop FDA Globalization Act. Please pass this info along to your customers, friends and family as well. Anyone that wants the choice to purchase handmade cosmetics needs to sign this petition before it is forwarded to Congress. Together, we CAN & MUST make a difference. Best wishes!

Sunday, August 17, 2008


In consideration of what I really enjoy about all of this crazy activity, I'm decided to write an ebook.

Never done it before. I think there's software out there to help me do this.

I'm pretty excited about it!

This ebook will reveal my steps to starting up an ecommerce business (yeah, because I've done it about 50 times and helped others to do the same)! I'm hoping to expand the concept to include selling my SEVERAL ideas that I don't have time to do. I have "turnkey" business ideas, including domain names, just little homebased businesses ready to go! Just add water...

So the ebook with leverage that and provide a simple checklist to setting up shop.

I can SO help you with that!! :)

I think once the ebook is done I can also offer my consulting services for those who want more of a "hand holding" experience. That way the client can have my undivided attention with regards to areas they find difficult to complete.


Sounds good! I better sell something so I can buy the software!

Have I mentioned that "I love my fan"? It has been very hot here in Seattle. Most of us don't have air conditioning, so when it gets into the high 80s and low 90s, we just melt...or rather...bake.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, August 7, 2008


I love that I can never take myself too seriously.

First off, I've decided I really do prefer my blog in Trebuchet and not Verdana. It is this ONGOING thing for me. And who's to say I can't just darn well use both fonts if I want to!?

Next, I posted my last post on one of my other blogs I don't ever use. So I'm all excited to PUBLISH POST and what comes up? Some strange blog I never use! FUNNY!

Acceptance. It is a good thing.


This is more of a personal post...I've come realize a few things in the past couple of days.

First-I went to check out some commercial space...the excitement of possible expansions...was dashed. I just don't want to. I thought I did. I can work hard for no money. But I've come to admit that I'm not really a "business-owner" but more of a glorified "hobbyist". And I think I like it that way. Anger. Denial. Grief because I like to think of myself in this lofty way, "I'm a business owner". I went through all those stages (it took me about 8 hours). Now I'm OK. Really. I think I've come to grips with the fact that I like my life...just the way it is. For a long time now, I've had this DRIVE to do more, be more, dobedobebdodododoo more More MORE! And within hours (ok maybe it was over the weekend), somehow, my perspective has changed and my priorities are shifting as we speak. This leads me to

Second-A new season...people know about "empty-nesters" and it is really easy to spout off about "the seasons of life" when I no idea what it is like...but I'm totally going through one and I feel utterly unprepared, or rather, I'm sorta shocked. Both my children will be in elementary school in a matter of (gasp) 4 weeks, yes, that is less than TWENTY-EIGHT (28) DAYS! Many of my friends homeschool...this phenomena will never happen to they don't understand. Only those who have this tragic-ecstasy happen to them understand. As I ponder the thought, I get a little tingly and light-headed! But then some time will pass and I find myself a little sad...cheated...surprised...tragically aware that my life truly IS passing by. No one really prepared me for this transition...oh, sure, it goes like this, "someday your kids will be in school honey, then you can (insert-go clothes shopping alone, go to the bathroom alone, sleep in, etc)" All that sounded WONDERFUL when I had bottles, diapers and goldfish crackers up to my neck. And back then, I didn't really have a braincell to even ponder it. But now...well, I'm going to miss all that. NOW WAIT A MINUTE, how does this happen!??!?! I have no regrets...I've tried to make the best of every single day of my kids' childhood...I think the thing that is just hard for me is that...I can NEVER go back. I hate not having options (!) It seems almost cruel. My mother-in-law says it all the time, "oh, just to have Johnny for a moment at the age of 4, I loved that". I kinda get it now.

Or maybe it is there's a new benchmark..."when your kids go to school" for me is "when they go to junior high, high school, college, leave home" and that all goes really TOO fast for my taste!

So where does all this leave me but in standing in a puddle of my own teardrops?

Well, acceptance is a good thing. Today, despite my quivering lower lip, I have decided, IT IS OK. Feel the pain, feel the really is all part of life. And I want to LIVE LIFE to the fullest! So I must feel it all...pain, joy, etc. So I'm embracing these next four weeks with...well, nothing. I'm just going to BE with my grand "trying to make up for mistakes along the way" or "let's cram massive kid events into these next 28 days"...just being with them...I think I'm ok with that as I prepare for the inevitable next phase of being a mom...and THAT is a good thing!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Oh Yeah, The Sense of Utter Satisfaction


THAT is a deep sense of satisfaction.

Grin. will turn THREE in December...amazing.

Since the day I officially launched in December 2005 (with $300 click budget on Yahoo and a website no one knew about!) I've been in WAY over my head!

Today, alas, I am FINALLY in a place where I am very proud of the items I offer and equally proud of the fact that I can produce these items in a timely manner!! Reducing my scent choices to NINE has made all the difference and I'm really excited as we move into the buying season.

SparklePuss offers NINE NEW SUPER SCENTS as of August 1st:
please welcome...
fremont FIR BERRY™
emerald city EVERGREEN™
pioneer square CINNAMON PEAR™

Back in action, the (truly) beloved small soy jar candle! I sold out of these like two years ago and have secured a west coast supplier! My prices have bumped up on the soy candle (so I can like stay in business people!) :) Trust me, they are totally worth it...they burn beautifully!

As you can see, I do need a new photo...consider it 'coming soon'.

Sad and missing a favorite scent? me! I'd guess I still have it! I'm offering discontinued scents on my site (sorry, you do have to log in) and that is the place to request scents at half off! I can certainly set up a page on my main site to purchase with debit or credit if you don't want to do that through PayPal. Just communicate with me...I don't bite, just scratch. hehehehe

Four Seasons Fragrance & Lemon Lollipop are up for some web-work and holiday gift ideas (sorry, I have to do this NOW to be ready for you!) has been left in the dust for the moment.

Have you visited yet? I'm really having fun with this one!

And coming this :)

Thanks for reading this far. Gotta go!

Saturday, July 5, 2008


I don't think I've ever blogged on the GREAT CUSTOMER PERKS I offer! And you'll WANT TO KNOW this! :)

For confirmed subscribers on my mailing list:
Once per month I send out the "newsletter" with What's New, Monthly Drawing Prize and Monthly $5 Deal.

The Monthly Drawing Prize is awarded to ONE confirmed subscriber to my mailing list each month. Just being a CONFIRMED subscriber on my mailing list makes you eligible for the drawing each month. Make sure you are ON the mailing list and you are CONFIRMED. I will contact you by email if you win! See for details.

The Monthly $5 Deal is ONLY AVAILABLE from the newsletter...each month I select an item from my product line-up to offer for only $5!

I think I'll blog on the night I finish the newsletter with the new info.

-What's New for July: launches!
-July Monthly Drawing Prize: Three wickless super-scented soy candle tins in your choice of scents by SparklePuss
-July Monthly $5 Deal: Any TWO Shea-Glycerin Soaps by Seattle Scents for $5
(see newsletter for details, make sure that my email is on your approved list...

AND...I've been wanting to do THIS for a long time-offer a gift-with-purchase!

ALL orders on my websites or Etsy shops will receive the monthly Gift-with-Purchase. Gifts change every month on the first.

July's Gift-with-Purchase: one sample Lemon Lollipop perfume oil AND lemon lollipop!

Thank you very much for your support!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

RATS! and

Not THOSE rats...rats as in "darn!" or as my husband says, "frank and beans"...that's just his little swear word. Mine is "fudgsicle"!!


I am temporarily discontinuing SOY TEALIGHTS. I've had some feedback that they aren't burning properly. Rather than send out a faulty product, I'm going to just pull them. I'll have to do a little work to get them back, I may need a custom made wick...we'll see.

So sorry to all you tealight lovers out there! :(

What's new (this week)?? Well, I've wanted to launch a line of men's fine fragrance for some time. It was initially going to be associated with Four Seasons Fragrance...but it turned out to be a stand alone thing.

Welcome... !

25 scents...a few of the names are:
Dog's Best Friend
Sports Stud

My signature product is the Scent Sampler Cube by
CLICK HERE to view!

I'm just getting it going, but please come visit and watch it blossom!!!

(p.s. my favorite scent in the line (today) is Mr Yummy...oooooohhhhh, SEXY!)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

June-uary and SOAP-in-a-BOX™

Yes, this is the new term for Seattle Summer 2008...June-uary. It has been COLD and RAINY...usually by June 1st the kids are wearing shorts to school. Not this year lest they freeze to death! Thanks Ang, June-uary!

On that note, everyone needs a new bar of soap!


I am SO excited about this new product! You'll be able to get the new Soap-in-a-Box™ in all our body-safe fragranced lines (this means NOT SparklePuss for now). This soap is 3.8oz/108g, ivory-white, just right size and fragranced with your choice of any of our lines!! Want soap in your favorite weeLUXURIES or Lemon Lollipop scent?

So why should you get soap from me anyways? You probably already have your very own special soapmaker...

Why get soap from me?? Here's a few reasons to consider:
-no human hands touch your soap, hot soap is poured into container, just pop it out!
-experienced seller since 12/2005-quality supplies, fragrance & packaging
-product is FUN!
-soap won't get crushed, bumped or scratched in transit
-makes terrific gifts-fun, colorful packaging appeals to all ages
-excellent price point for a customized, handmade, glycerin-rich SOAP! :)

This is going to be a label-nightmare, but I'm up for it! (label shows Sandalwood) You will LOVE this soap!! I offer a shea-glycerin soap (to get other soap blends, visit )

Friday, May 23, 2008

For Posterity

This little post needs to be tucked away here in between all the "important" stuff...I L O V E what I do! And today I'm doing it during the DAYTIME and not in the wee hours of the night.

On the other hand, like any profession, vocation or job-there are days I want to throw in the towel, light a (SparklePuss) match and smile wickedly while it all burns to the ground. (sometimes it's just intense!)

But today, is an amazing day...I am HOME ALONE - working (UNinterrupted) - listening to KCMS - filling and packaging orders - answering emails - flirting with my husband online - mixing perfume - singing at the top of my lungs because no one can hear me...getting twisted in bubble mask (!) and my children are gone today in good hands and I T I S G O O D.

iTunes is like on 11 (spinal tap - the movie!) and I'm rocking out! Even though I work at home, I eat at my desk, wait too long to take potty breaks (why waste time going to the bathroom when there's fun stuff to do!?!?!) and trip over the cat while I'm procrastinating packaging one more flat rate box of candles.

If I never make a cent-I'll still do it...I just love juggling all the tasks and challenges of "balancing" a family and home business(es)...and I'm like the BEST BOSS, to boot! I give my employees (ME!) plenty of fresh water and yummy chocolate...two VITAL components of a happy life!

In sharp contrast to my amazing and truly abundant life of freedom...there are so so so very many across the globe who suffer on a daily basis from real danger, fear, malnutrition, and hopelessness among other life-threatening and discouraging things. They are always lurking in the margins of my mind and as I think of them, I have endless gratitude to the Lord for His great blessing on my life.

So maybe I'll read this post on one of those "burn it all down" days...and have a sense of perspective.


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Beautiful Spring!

Well, not much going on here except I'm busy filling orders! Thank you!

My new favorite movie is Catch and Release, here's the trailer...

Sunday, April 27, 2008

NEW-Reed Diffusers!

Nine Lives by SparklePuss will be launching our new REED DIFFUSERS in the next few weeks!

Look for our 7oz square bottle and NINE (different) diffuser oils!

More will be included in our next newsletter!

To sign up, visit any of our sites!

Monsoon Musk by Four Seasons Fragrance has been getting rave reviews! Try some today!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

VelvetLush™ Luxury Body Lotion by Four Seasons Fragrance

I wasn't going to blog about lotions tonight. It is funny that I title my blog before I write it. I don't want to talk lotion.

What I really want to say is this...

I poured a few CUCUMBER COOL tealights tonight. I only labeled and bagged five, but I poured six. So I took the extra one to my desk in a frosted glass votive cup-and lit it.





NEVER EVER burn candles for the fun of it.

That may sound really funny. But I've done so much wick testing...I've always got some really lame candle flickering its' way into oblivion on the stove. But NEVER for ambiance or scent. Just business, never pleasure. Isn't that sad!?!? (Reminds me of FRENCH KISS when Kevin Kline says to Meg Ryan, "he makes the wine but never drinks it"...why is so much of life like a scene from a movie? Now that is from YOU'VE GOT MAIL where Meg Ryan says something like that to Greg Kinnear...anyways I'm getting off track...)

To my utter astonishment, that darn little tealight smells REALLY good! Can I say that!?!? I make kick-butt soy candles! Ya WHO !!!!!

I'm the type of person who is pessimistic and can never see the good parts of it is a step for me to tell myself I make nice candles!! Hey, I'm starting to believe my customers!! (I have a small fan club of two women who are responsible for me STILL being here...they don't know it, but at my lowest of low times (the times every business owner wants to cancel their website and disconnect their 800 number), it was they who placed an order and gave me a boost. I give them credit...they rave about my candles and claim they will die if I ever stop making SparklePuss Super-Scented Soy Candles! For tonight, I believe them for once!!!!! Thank you Ferry Girls!!!!!)

Well, that felt really good to appreciate myself, yay, me!!!

On another note, I'm considering documenting my weight loss journey in a blog. That would be some real accountability, huh? Like reality-blogging. Or maybe blogging is already like reality-tv...whatever. I'm going to bed.

More on lotions tomorrow!

Have a great weekend!!! Seventy in Seattle tomorrow, woo hoo!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Save a Tree

In a continuing effort to tread lightly on Planet Earth, we've made another executive decision...NO MORE PAPER RECEIPTS will be included with retail orders. Wholesale buyers will still receive a receipt with their packages.

Since we are exclusively online, everyone who orders gets a receipt after why print a receipt and send it across the country?

Save a tree...use your computer to view your receipts! :)

Get on the RECYCLE WAGON...we are proud to announce that in two and a half years in business, we have NEVER purchased packing peanuts. WE RE-USE!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

MONSOON MUSK Debuts Today!

Welcome the MOST fantastic, alluring musk you have EVER smelled!

Introducing...MONSOON MUSK!

Try some today!

Newsletter was sent out! Hope you are on the mailing list!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Newsletter Launches!

The newsletter is ready to go out, with lots of goodies for you!

-ANY order made on in April receives a 3-pack sample vials perfume oil from Four Seasons Fragrance.

-AND there will now be a $5 Deal or 2-For-1 Deal with each newsletter...look for it! Good only for orders on the website.

-AND there's now a monthly drawing (see - mailing list page ) and EVERY confirmed subscriber will be in the drawing every month.

Congratulations to our March winner Cynthia who will receive a SparklePuss 9oz soy jar candle of her choice. Our April winner will receive your choice of Roll-On Perfume Oil by Lemon Lollipop. Make sure to tell your friends to join!

Monsoon Musk will debut next month...too much this month!

I'm happy to report that we have a new Sample Box Program Manager onboard (aka-my husband!) John will be organizing and doing sample fulfillment for us. This is a wonderful task that has been removed from my plate! Once a month he'll send out samples to our favorite sample box folks like Lemming Central, Little Black Boxes, Little Purple Boxes (eh?). If you haven't ordered a box before, they are SO MUCH FUN!!! You'll receive samples from all kinds of etailers...but you have to move really fast...they go QUICK!

On a personal/business owner note...I think I've really rounded a corner...I can tell my processes are improving and my turn around time has improved just this week. I don't have the heaviness that was crushing me...I've streamlined the brands, decided NOT to add any new scents until 2009 (except for August's launch of the holiday scents for SparklePuss). I can whip out a Healing Heel Stick in no time and feel fabulous about my "order register" which helps me track filling my orders.

So here's to spring, some great deals for you and filling lots of orders from my wonderful customers!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Snowflakes on Cherry Blossoms


What just happened.

It is nearly APRIL and we had a wee snowstorm, very unusual for the Seattle area this time of year. I don't remember ever seeing the cherry blossoms with SNOW on them!!

Wet and cold today. LOTS of precipitation.

Which brings me to our next fragrance launch...a new scent for Four Seasons Fragrance and today seems like a good day to announce the debut of MONSOON MUSK...this sexy musk will flip you head-over-heels...there is nothing like this one! You really must just TRY it! Special pricing on our new MONSOON MUSK-2-for-1 sample vials! Buy one sample vials, get one free-MONSOON MUSK only. Special pricing available April 1st.

Look for our newsletter next week!

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Combined Shopping Cart for All Brands

Time just flies and I've posted 100 times in my head without typing it here!

SparklePuss UPDATE: As of today, we no longer offer FREE SHIPPING for orders over $100. Sorry we've had to discontinue this service but it usually costs about $22 to ship a $100 order. If we sold cotton balls, that would be different, but candles are HEAVY!!

On a FUN note, we'll be launching a new luxury line from SparklePuss of fresh scents appealing to both men & women. These candles will NOT be super-scented. The line is called CURIOUSITY. The CURIOUSITY line will launch with 3 scents and feature PALM WAX which has a beautiful crystalline property to the wax, it almost shimmers! Our scent names are devoted to the cat (instead of Seattle names). STAY TUNED!

We're creating a combined shopping cart! You'll be able to purchase SparklePuss,, Four Seasons Fragrance and Lemon Lollipop brands all in one place! The place to go is - coming soon!

Look for your newsletter in the next week or so. Remember every month we'll have a drawing from our mailing list...March's drawing will be for one 9oz Super-Scented Soy Candle from Be sure you're on the mailing list!!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Yes-Faster Than a Blink of My Eye


It really IS amazing!

When we moved last July, our new place of residence qualified to get fiber optic internet for free(!)

Well, as of today, I am actually able to enjoy the speed because I have a new computer! OH MY is this thing FAST! Pages literally load in the blink of an waiting!

This could change my life...there isn't even a moment to chew my nails!!! ha ha hahahahhah

So the rest of the evening is devoted to recovering all my passwords and setting up my gazillion email accounts in Outlook Express, uh hum, that would now be Microsoft Mail...yes, Vista has entered our home.

I'm just so grateful to be online!! The time stamp says 12:36am but really, it is 1:36am because of Daylight Saving Time! Spring ahead, don't be late for church!!!

Have a great night (even if you do LOSE an hour of sleep!!)

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Aromatherapy Line Returns After 1 Day Absence

Yep, it's already back!
Here's the re-debut of Nine Lives-aromatherapy spaaah-by SparklePuss!
Nine scents made with essential oils:
lake washington YLANGERINE™
laurelhurst LEMONGRASS
mercer MARYMINT™
seward park SPA AURA™

Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

A New Season for SparklePuss Soy Candles

Our mission is to offer the best smelling and most highly scented soy candles that burn efficiently and safely to our retail customers. That is our top priority. Next in line is the TOTAL CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE with our company.

-Is the website appealing, fresh and easy to use?
-Are graphics & informational text presented in a simple format with honest product claims?
-Are we able to "under-promise and over-deliver" on our presentation?
-Is the total price package a value for the customer while providing a fair profit to the company?

-Is the customer acknowledged when an order is placed and notified of approximate delivery time?


-Does the customer receive orders in a timely manner?

This is where we notice our systems begin to breakdown.

An executive conference was held on February 28th to discuss these issues with the goal of improving our processes. (this sounds SO official and corporate!!)

In attendance were: SparklePuss webmaster (me), production manager (me!) & our shipping manager (me!) & operations manager (me!) & our chief financial officer (me again!) who discussed the efficiency of our systems for online ordering, candle manufacturing, packaging & distribution. It is agreed that one half additional employee is needed to continue our current level of production, but that the timing is not right for this kind of investment in the growth of SparklePuss.

It was unanimously decided to discontinue future wholesaling and reduce our scent offerings from 46 to 9 for a period of one year. This includes the temporary elimination of limited edition, year-round holiday scents and aromatherapy lines. Fall and holiday scents will be launched in August continuing the Nine Lives theme with nine scents. This reduction will allow the production schedule to stay ahead of demand by producing candles ahead of ordering. The weary staff is ECSTATIC about this new change! This plan was then presented to the stockholders (my husband!) and happily acknowledged as a great step toward financial and physical health of the company and its' executive officers. :)

With the new direction of SparklePuss as well as the increase of activity in our perfume divisions, SparklePuss is announcing the debut of NINE LIVES by SparklePuss.

We are happy to offer our customers a 9oz candle for $9 each in 9 scent choices with only $9 flat shipping!!! We will continue to offer free shipping for orders over $99. And we plan to offer special deals with the purchase of two candles, stay-tuned!

In addition, here is AWESOME NEWS!!! SparklePuss will continue offering soy wax melts AND we'll offer our new line of HOME FRAGRANCE OILS for simmering and flame-free scenting. Our home fragrance oils will be available in ALL 46 "retired" scents along with the 9 new scents. Many will be happy to hear about the return of our sampling program. Scented soy tealight testers will be available for 99 cents each or pack of 9 (plus one unscented) for $9.

We love what we do and we love our customers!!! We know while some of you may be disappointed in our new scent reduction, we encourage you that these changes will establish a firm foundation for the gradual and certain growth of SparklePuss and makeScents, LLC. That, of course, is vital to your future enjoyment of our fine products. :)

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Help Find Nicholas Francisco

Latest news is that there really wasn't anything in the car to help investigators. They searched the Federal Way area with dogs this afternoon and may have a lead or two but nothing solid to lead them to the whereabouts of Nicholas.

The next step is a prayer vigil on Wednesday and the urging of people to spread the word far and wide...that's how lost people get found!

There is a 30-second blurb on YouTube that gives all the vital information...please pass along this link!

We continue to lift up Christine Francisco in prayer. Thanks for YOUR help!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Man Missing in Seattle Nicholas Francisco

My friend CG emailed me the other day about her friend who was missing. His wife is a fellow Etsy-seller. We are hoping to get the word out any way we can so he might be found.
He left work on Wednesday night and never came home. His car was found today in Federal Way.
Have you seen him or know someone else who has? There is a cash reward for information leading to finding him.

Thanks for taking the time to look!!! Blessings to Christine and the children at this difficult time.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Nature Prevails - SPRING EQUINOX debut

I find it exhilerating that no matter what is happening in the world of man (election year, for example), the world of nature continues its' unrelenting march through seasonal cycles...I'm noticing Magnolia buds swelling, the sure sign of spring. Primroses and baby daffodils grace my porch (finally)! It took a visit from my college roommate to get me out to Molbak's this February.

Speaking of spring, today is the OFFICIAL DEBUT of Four Seasons Fragrance SPRING EQUINOX!!

Spring Equinox scent description...aliven your senses with our light, fresh citrusy blend. This fragrance uplifts with lemon, bergamot, mandarin and sweet rhubarb. It stimulates with sweet jasmine, green tea, carnation, fennel and cool peppermint. It excites with amber, musk and oakmoss. Energize and revitalize yourself! Fresh, green, & citrus-energize & revitalize yourself!
Visit to get yours today!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Dudley Dooooo-Right Overkill

My children have been sick.

Dudley DoRight has been on the tube...non-stop! That guy's voice is REALLY getting on my nerves! And have you noticed, these old cartoons are SO politically INcorrect! I have found myself cringing at a few things!

On a brighter note, I can see my dining room table again, thanks to my dear friend Michelle.

Check out these WHALE pictures my sister posted on her blog, incredible!! I'm not in the mood tonight, but I want to post two photos for you that my sister took from a seaplane. The girl can do amazing things with her camera and she is just an "amateur" point and shoot with her Sony digital camera! Sick.

Anyways, SO many exciting things going on here.

First off, you all must know I found my box of lids! Just trust me, that is a GOOD THING!

Four Seasons Fragrance is HAPPY to announce the DEBUT OF SPRING EQUINOX!

Spring Equinox scent description...aliven your senses with our light, fresh citrusy blend. This fragrance uplifts with lemon, bergamot, mandarin and sweet rhubarb. It stimulates with sweet jasmine, green tea, carnation, fennel and cool peppermint. It excites with amber, musk and oakmoss. Energize and revitalize yourself! Fresh, green, & citrus-energize & revitalize yourself!

Rhubarb must be the best thing this spring because is offering a LIMITED EDITION Healing Heel Stick™ in RHUBERRY.

RHUBERRY scent fruity scents? oh my goodness, this was an impulse purchase and we are PLEASANTLY SURPRISED by this scent!! we are now HOOKED on this fruity/tart extremely yummy scent!! An exotic blend of strawberry & rhubarb. simply a MUST-SMELL! (this really is wonderful, I'm making a special JUMBO stick for ME!)

I know you are all waiting for the next newsletter and that is in the works for delivery Tuesday morning next week.

Have a terrific weekend!

Monday, February 4, 2008

My Hands are REALLY Soft

Aaaaah. I get SO much enjoyment out of pouring Healing Heel Sticks by weeLUXURIES it is insane! Tonight's quickie batches before bed are: NEW passionfruit zest, oatmeal, milk & honey along with - oh - I didn't do the last one! Yuzu citrus is next! The best part is I start off with the lighter scents and end with the stronger ones...right now my hands smell like passionfruit (because I spilled a lot)!!!

I have a FUN product on the back burner for new maybe next week I'll have a chance to work on that!

I really needed to get out my email coupons today, it is already February 4th!

Next week I'll be trying my hand at this light box tutorial (scroll down the page)...thank you Jenna Lou for your newsletter! I've been SO looking for something simple like this! I have my for the fun!

More to say but MUST go to bed!

Come back soon!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Attached at the Hip

Yes, me...and my computer are attached at the hip. I think I've been sitting here for what seems like days. But I love it...I sat down three days ago and I can't get up!

But here's some good news: is getting fresh new labels for our regular and JUMBO size Healing Heel Stick and Hand Stick. Wahoo, big job, but an awful lot of fun! is getting the word out about FREE lemon lollipops in each and every order. And not just tiny sphere suckers, but gourmet Candy Creek Lemon Lollipops, oh, get ready! will be listing sale items in our new eBay store. Check out the sale items here:

We are looking forward to providing brick & mortar establishments with wholesale packages for, and so if you know of a store who would be a good fit with us, let us know!

Thanks for reading and come back soon!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Is it SPRING Yet?

Ah. February 1st. Once I make it to February, I know I'm going to make it! The daylight is lasting longer and I can "feel" the earth turning toward plumped up buds on the trees and swelling daffodil tips. I noticed this week the Magnolia buds are beginning to swell...ah.

What's NEW? YAY! I'm REALLY excited about this new offering from makeScents, LLC.

Introducing TEN new perfume oils by - QUALITY PERFUME FOR EVERYDAY.

Our new scents include:
*LEMON LOLLIPOP (clean & sweet)
*GROOVY PATCHOULI (earthy & spicy)
*WEDDING WHISPER (sheer floral)
*ROMANCE NOVEL (sexy musk)
*OUT IN THE GARDEN (fresh air)
*IN THE KITCHEN (tropical floral)
*SHOPPING DIVA (soft floral)
*BIRTHDAY GIRL (vanilla!)
*CHOCOLATE FOREVER (oriental woody)

We love wholesale orders! These look SO CUTE together on the perfume display! If you sell to gotta have these! Irresistible at $7.95 suggested retail.

Four Seasons Fragrance launches SPRING EQUINOX after Valentine's Day-this is an appealing FRESH scent...yum!

Have a terrific weekend!


Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Year in Review

Wow, looking back over the last year gives me the chills...I've been preparing for taxes this evening and I've been reviewing my total sales from SparklePuss, FourSeasonsFragrance and Very interesting.

The websites are performing well, though we need to see some more action on the site, but that doesn't surprise me. As I looked over invoices, I remember slogging through each and every orders. NOTHING was easy this year. Thankfully, I didn't have any MORE business, I'm really grateful!

This year is different already, though. I'm getting to orders much faster and can feel the heaviness lifting!! YAY!

I need to redirect the blogs from the other sites to come here, so I can just have ONE place to blog. Yippee.

Had a great day with my sister trying to set us both up on eBay...what a LAUGH! She's on a Mac, I'm on a PC and though I have wireless she had to buy a 25' ethernet cord...what a day! I'm still trying to convince myself that eBay is going to be at all profitable...the fees are outrageous (not to mention the PayPal fees)!! Doesn't that qualify as a monopoly or something illegal!?!! :) But what really keeps me going is thinking about all the fresh new friends and customers I have yet to I keep listing auctions and opened an eBay store (again) today. I find eBay extremely NON-user just isn't intuitive for me like Etsy is...but I'm going to give it 3 to 6 months and see what happens!

Have a great week!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Blogging Away

I suppose I'll go ahead and blog here...insane to try to keep 4 or 5 separate blogs going! is launching our 16th fragrance, Red Hot Valentine!

RED HOT VALENTINE scent description...This FRESH, zesty fragrance is YOUR scent for Valentine's Day. Exuberant, sparkling and delicious. It allures with an exotic blend of red raspberry, lychee and effervescent golden apple. It tempts with romantic rose and creamy vanilla. It seduces with a sheer blend of patchouli and warm amber. Fun. Flirty. Feminine.

I want to find a way to keep customers updated about their order status. Working on that. will launch in the next few is going to take some time to organize the shopping cart for all three divisions, SparklePuss, Four Seasons Fragrance and

I keep fiddling with my mailing lists...I think I have it down finally!

And for my Mary Kay customers, I have launched ! The EASY way to place your order! I have had so much fun putting it together, too! Hope you like it! is my newest endeavor...hoping to grow that into its' own in 2008.

I just love what I'm doing!!! But even better I LOVE being a mom and wife! Having kids is the BEST and none of this would happen without my fantastic man! He supports us while I run around like a chicken with my head cut off most of the time! We wouldn't want it any other way! :)

Have a wonderful week!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

We're an LLC

Wahoo, I feel so official!

I wanted to name us Identity Crisis, LLC, but someone beat me to it!

So alas, SparklePussGROUP is now makeScents, LLC...I like the double meaning. make scents and makes cents!