Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Confession: Identity Crisis

Maybe you've noticed I have several things going on. Let's count, shall we?








  • and a HOST of others in the recesses of my mind!

So, what should I do?

Can I really be all of those? Probably, but I think it would be very difficult to grow...and I think I'm ready to grow. So do I have to give something up? How do I make the transition from "hobby business" to real business? I have no idea. Do you?


I just wrote a lovely post and I wasn't logged in.


Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

LEMONBERRY Goat's Milk Soap

Finally, the snow is melting here! I can't wait to see my grass again!

Last night I made LEMONBERRY Goat's Milk Soap...may I say - it is OUTSTANDING!?
Funny, though, before slicing, the loaf looks like a pan of macaroni & cheese!

I'm very excited to announce NEW BODY BUTTERS for!! Well, actually they are not on the site yet, but are in my Etsy I might even make some LEMONBERRY BODY BUTTER if anyone makes that request, oooohh YUMMEEEEE!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

be brave. say "merry christmas".

I just read the "stupidest" thing on a website...

"order by Dec 19th for holiday delivery".

What holiday?

Do you think they were referring to that holiday next Thursday called CHRISTMAS!??!?

Get a life, people. It's Christmas.

Be brave. Say "Merry Christmas".