-Is the website appealing, fresh and easy to use?
-Are graphics & informational text presented in a simple format with honest product claims?
-Are we able to "under-promise and over-deliver" on our presentation?
-Is the total price package a value for the customer while providing a fair profit to the company?
-Is the customer acknowledged when an order is placed and notified of approximate delivery time?
-Does the customer receive orders in a timely manner?
This is where we notice our systems begin to breakdown.
An executive conference was held on February 28th to discuss these issues with the goal of improving our processes. (this sounds SO official and corporate!!)
In attendance were: SparklePuss webmaster (me), production manager (me!) & our shipping manager (me!) & operations manager (me!) & our chief financial officer (me again!) who discussed the efficiency of our systems for online ordering, candle manufacturing, packaging & distribution. It is agreed that one half additional employee is needed to continue our current level of production, but that the timing is not right for this kind of investment in the growth of SparklePuss.
It was unanimously decided to discontinue future wholesaling and reduce our scent offerings from 46 to 9 for a period of one year. This includes the temporary elimination of limited edition, year-round holiday scents and aromatherapy lines. Fall and holiday scents will be launched in August continuing the Nine Lives theme with nine scents. This reduction will allow the production schedule to stay ahead of demand by producing candles ahead of ordering. The weary staff is ECSTATIC about this new change! This plan was then presented to the stockholders (my husband!) and happily acknowledged as a great step toward financial and physical health of the company and its' executive officers. :)
With the new direction of SparklePuss as well as the increase of activity in our perfume divisions, SparklePuss is announcing the debut of NINE LIVES by SparklePuss.
We are happy to offer our customers a 9oz candle for $9 each in 9 scent choices with only $9 flat shipping!!! We will continue to offer free shipping for orders over $99. And we plan to offer special deals with the purchase of two candles, stay-tuned!
In addition, here is AWESOME NEWS!!! SparklePuss will continue offering soy wax melts AND we'll offer our new line of HOME FRAGRANCE OILS for simmering and flame-free scenting. Our home fragrance oils will be available in ALL 46 "retired" scents along with the 9 new scents. Many will be happy to hear about the return of our sampling program. Scented soy tealight testers will be available for 99 cents each or pack of 9 (plus one unscented) for $9.
We love what we do and we love our customers!!! We know while some of you may be disappointed in our new scent reduction, we encourage you that these changes will establish a firm foundation for the gradual and certain growth of SparklePuss and makeScents, LLC. That, of course, is vital to your future enjoyment of our fine products. :)